The Importance of Antenna Placement in GNSS Receiver Performance

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The GNSS system is based on GNSS Receiver and antenna, and it works when the antenna sends signal data to the receiver. While this process may seem straightforward, it is not that simple since a slight mistake in the antenna placement can ruin the performance.

Why is it important to perfectly place the antenna for the best GNSS receiver performance?

The placement of the antenna according to the GNSS receiver is crucial. It is because if there is any obstacle in the way of these signals, the data recorded by the system will not be perfect in terms of quality. So, placing the antenna near a metal or solid structure can affect the signals. Hence, it is essential to place the antenna perfectly.

GNSS Antenna

Factors to consider when installing GNSS antenna

When installing your antenna, consider the following factors for the best performance.

  1. Height

Height is the first thing that matters when installing an antenna. Placing the antenna too close to the ground or at a lower height where objects might be higher than the object means there could be a signal disturbance. So, always place it at the highest height.

  1. Interfering objects

Next, you must consider any interfering objects in the way of the signal. For example, when installing an antenna on top of a building, sometimes you have a wall near the antenna that can interfere with the signals. In such cases, the signals only go to one side and the top, which is bad for the best signal recording performance.

  1. Installation on non-magnetic surfaces

GNSS antenna sometimes needs installation on non-magnetic surfaces. When doing that, you can install it with tape that must not be metallic. Metallic antenna installation tapes can interfere with their signals, so non-metallic tapes will help.


  1. Antenna placement for cars

When placing the antenna on a car, the best location is on top of the car's roof. It is because no rollbar or other metalic object will interfere with the signals. Other than that, the trunk and hood of the car make good options. If the antenna needs to be placed inside the car, placing it right under the windshield's front section is the best since no obstacles are nearby.

  1. Antenna placement for trucks

Trucks often come with fiberglass airfoil in the driver's cabin. Installing the antenna in that airfoil may seem safe, but the fiberglass will interfere with signals. So, the best placement of the antenna will be on top of the airfoil.

  1. Antenna placement for buildings

When placing an antenna on a building, place it on the roof with no surrounding buildings higher than the roof. Otherwise, you can install a tower away from the walls and at a suitable height.


Contact the GNSS receiver and antenna system experts to learn more.

GNSS Receiver and antenna need to be perfectly placed for the system to work efficiently. If you want to know which unit will fulfill your applications requirements, contact us, and our experts will assist you with any information you need.




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